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This is a highly specialized clinic dealing with the rhythm disturbances of the heart. The heart is a mechanical pump. The pumping action is triggered by an electrical stimulus which travels from the base to the apex. The area in the base that triggers the stimulus is called the pacemaker of the heart.

Arrhythmia deals with different types of rhythm disturbances where the heart on its own can go slow, fast, irregular or there may be a brief pause. The patient experiences this as palpitations. They may feel the heart goes fast with a regular or irregular rhythm. The heart may flip flop or pause. This can last for a few seconds to several hours to days. Associated symptoms are shortness of breath, dizziness or a feeling of actually passing out. Some patients may lose transient consciousness.

The clinic will evaluate patients with these symptoms and advice appropriate treatment. This is the first time this service is being offered to the community of Whitby.

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